Our Services

Maybe you want to live in a dream home that YOU dreamed up. Or, maybe you love the charm of your historic home but it really needs some modern updates. Perhaps you have a large-scale project that you need a trusted professional to develop, manage and execute.

It all begins with creating a shared vision. We are the technical and practical experts to help maximize your return. We are the set of eyes, ears and hands to undertake the build so you can carry on living your life, and look forward to enjoying the result.


New Construction

Got a plot of dirt in your ideal location? Let us put your dream building on it. Restaurant, store, home or garage—we’ll custom build anything your heart desires…that Village Hall allows. Lean on us to understand what is possible.

Then, we take on the planning, gathering permits, securing structural & architectural approval and coordination of schedules acting as your general contractor.


New kitchens, baths, porches, additions and maybe even a brand-new second floor. We do it all with attention to detail and your best interests at heart.

Owner’s Representative

An owner’s rep is usually an experienced builder or architect hired by a homeowner / landowner to represent their interests during larger construction projects, but who is not the builder on said project. Owner’s Reps research builders, vendors/trades and qualify their bids. We remain a part of the project through completion to advise the owner on any issues which may arise along the way.